24 Hours to Live

Olyan, mint egy John Wick film, csak Ethan Hawke-al.
429 0 0 Film Izé
The Little Hours

A Boccaccio Dekameronja alapján készült film elképesztően viccesnek tűnik az előzetese alapján.
841 0 0 Film Izé
Stratovarius - Darkest Hours
329 1 0 Zene Izé
Free Blood - Never Hear Surf Music Again
744 1 0 Zene Izé
TriORE- Victory rising

A stílus eredetileg Indie lenne csak kategóriák közt nem találtam. Leíírást sajnos nem tudok adni mivel fellelhető anyagot csak a megjelent albumról adnak ami a THree HOURs nevet kapta.

656 1 0 Zene Izé
Metallica - The Small Hours
539 2 0 Zene Izé
Trey Parker - Gay Fish (South Park - Kanye West Paródia)


(Uh. Come on.)
I’ve been so lonely, girl
I’ve been so sad and down
Couldn’t understand
Why haters joked around
I wanted to be free
with other creatures like me
And now I got my wish

‘Cuz I know that I’m a gay fish

(Gay fish, yo)
Mother ****in’ gay fish (I’m a fish, yo)
Girl I am a gay fish (it’s alright, girl)
Makin’ love to other gay fish

All those lonely nights
At the grocery store
In the frozen fish aisle
Feeling like a whore
‘Cuz I wasn’t being true
Even though everyone said
That I had to make a switch (gay fish)

Now I know that I’m a gay fish

(Gay fish, yo)
Mother ****in’ gay fish (I’m a fish, yo)
Girl I am a gay fish (Now where I belong, girl)
Making love to other gay fish

I used to be scared, denying who I was
Actin’ straight, but then goin’ out to the gay fish clubs
Dancin’ with the marlins, makin’ out with all the snappers
I’d take a salmon home and work that coddle fin for hours
But now I’m out and I’m free to love what I want
Be it yellowfin or bass or that trout in Vermont
I slap that marlin ass, make that grouper butt shake
I’ll come to your house and have an orgy in your mother ****ing fish tank

Mother ****in’ gay fish (I’m a fish, yo)
Girl I am a gay fish (Now where I belong, girl)
Making love to other gay fish

I really get around
I’m a slut of the sea
When I say I got crabs
I mean it literally
I was eating dinner
And just had to go down
On that mackerel on the dish

‘Cus I’m the gayest of the gay fish

Mother ****in’ gay fish (I’m a fish, yo)
Girl I am a gay fish (Now where I belong, girl)

But I got to settle down
I can’t be a whore
I ain’t gonna just sleep
With any fish no more
Found me a lover
A brother who’s a cross-dressing pike named Trish

And together we are gay fish

Mother ****in’ gay fish (I’m a fish, yo)
Girl I am a gay fish (Now where I belong, girl)
Making love to other gay fish
1115 1 1 Zene Izé
dXter: ez egy remekmű. jobb mint az ismert számai :D elvileg a Heartless c. számának (nemtudom azt sem [...]
Anna and The Barbies feat. Jamie Winchester - After hours
601 0 0 Zene Izé
As I Lay Dying - 94 Hours

Az egyik legjobb Metalcore banda a világon! A szám a 2003-as Frail Words Collapse albumukon található!
365 0 2 Zene Izé
Hamutarto: 2008.08.07. pecsa!! :D
xcsokix: Ez qva jó mongyuk én inkább Göteborgi Death Metalnak mondanám. Amúgy sztem ez a legjobb számu [...]
Long Beach Dub Allstars feat. Black Eyes Peas - Sunny Hours
A Joey c. sorozat főcímdala
702 0 1 Zene Izé
Airwalk: cool