Nagyon szeretem ezeket a játékokat.
A múltkor volt itt egy olyan, amiben kis világokat kellett építeni egy kis golyóbison, meg hasonló már túl elvont volt.
Doboz baba melett, elefánt, baba. Majon alatt (rózsaszín manóféleség) alatt barlang kinyit, elefént előtt is. Elefánt, majd mikor lerakta a dobozt megint. Baba, megint. Medve, fát elhúzza látni egy kis csövet. Vakond, mikor megérkezik, melette lévő csőre. Ha a felhő eléri oroszlán alatt az a betűt a medve által régebben elhuztt fa alatt lévő csőre katt. Ha megjelenik bal oldalt a felhő, katt arra a csőe ami a doboz alatt volt. Ha jól jön össze lesz egy fekete felhőd. Felhőre, mikor odaér a nap meletti dobozhoz, és amikor az oroszlán felett van. Medvére, kép alsó részéna kék vmire 3szor. Medve melett almára, majd a medvére. Gyerekre, majd gyorsan a manóra, (majomra). Gyerekre, mior visszafordul, világít a cumija katt rá. Vakondra, majd amikor lent van gyerekre. Ha a gyerek a vakond felé ér, vakondra. Vakond, gyerek. Elefánt, gyerek.
Innen két választásod van:
1: Angyal mód:
Kéz száj láb
Amikor a sárkány gyerek alá ér gyerekre. Fehér bogyó.
2: Ördög mód:
Láb Kéz Száj
A magaslaton kis kavics
Katt a dínóra, Száj Kéz Láb
Bal kéz, Jobb kéz.
Kéz száj láb
Amikor a sárkány gyerek alá ér gyerekre. Fekete bogyó.
Bakker vagy fél órát szenvedtem vele, de végre megvan... Egyébként az a szar benne, hogy mindig van vmi, amin el lehet baszni, és akkor kezdheted előről. Mindegy. Megérte. És most láttam mindkét verziót is, a gonoszt és a jót is. A gonosz vége teccett jobban.:P
First click on the rope attached to the barrel.
Click the elephant to lift the barrel.
Make the baby go under the barrel.
Click the baby again so he continues and gets caught by the spider (and turned into a small mummy – or baby Jesus…)
Make the mole crawl into the ground and drop the leg symbol on the floor.
Open the right and left caves (but NOT the middle one).
And wake up the cancer in the bottom of the screen (I just think it’s his time to waky waky).
Now, you have three metal tubes that produce steam.
You make the elephant lift the barrel a few more times and he does so and the third steam is free.
Make all the three steams release steam. (I’d do the one next to the elephant first, the one next to the mole and the one next to the bear last.)
Release them so that the steam collects and builds up one big cloud - a thunder cloud.
Than use the thunder cloud to electrify the lion, (click the cloud when it’s above it)
And to break the plug (the big stone on the ramp, next to the Sun. the lighter one).
Now, water should flow and make the screen become green and lush. (Yes, lush!)
Click on the bear. He tries to eat the apple closest to him, and by that makes the baby hop from the net and hit the leg symbol (yey! A leg!)
Click the cancer, make him go up the vine, click him again, make him release the baby. The baby should crawl, enter the cave, and get to the part of the screen under the monkey.
Now, click on the apple on the right tree (next to the bear). It should fall right under the spider and it should take it to his net.
Click the bear, who goes to the left side tree and tries to eat the apple. By that he flings the apple inside the spider’s net to the right side of the screen – right into the baby’s arms! (yey!#2)
Click the baby, (who lifts the apple), and than the monkey. The monkey takes the baby up his tree. After a short quarrel (I hope it was a quarrel and not something else…) (that’s how you get aids you know…), the monkey tosses the baby to the third level – right next to the chest.
Now, click on the baby, who tries to open the chest but doesn’t quite make it – he looks at you instead.
Than quickly click him again (his pacifier to be exact), and make him rattle his brain a bit (this is shown by three red marks around his head while you click him). He than takes his pacifier, inserts it into the chest and exposes an amazing golden diaper!! (yey #3!!!)
Make the mole go to the bottom part of its tunnel, and click the baby so he starts to crawl the tunnel.
Right when he is above the mole – click the mole. The mole goes up, the baby continues, and hits the hand symbol (yey #4!!!)
Now, make the mole go down, the baby go down the tunnel to the elephant, make the elephant squirt and make a rainbow, and make the baby go up the rainbow. – all this to get the baby in the right position.
Now….. Is the exciting part.
If you wish to finish the game good – it’s fairly easy:
Make a dragon (hand-lips-leg), choose white ball, fight lion and win, get a baby-girlfriend, and rule the world!!! (love rules!!)
If you wish to finish devilitious – it’s harder:
First make a Stegosaur (leg-hand-lips).
Drop the stone on his tail – it lends safely.
Than make a Cyclops (lips-hand-leg),
Click its left arm – he takes the stone and throws it on the lion (!!!) (the lion loses 2 points).
Now make a dragon again, click the baby when he goes under you (so the baby climbs on it). Get to the fairy.
Choose evil. (Black ball)
Now you can actually kill the lion and finish the game devil style. YEYEYYYYEEEE!!!!!