Most játsszák a sakkvilágbajnoki döntőt Wisvanathan Aanand (jelenleg még világbajnok) és Vladimir Kramnyik (a kihivó).
Az első 2 játszma döntetlen volt, de most sötéttel Anand nyert egy nem mindennapi partit. Itt olvasható angolul:
de ide copy-pastelem én is, hátha eltünik:
(N-huszár; B-futó; R-bástya; K-király; Q-vezér - angolul)
Kramnik - Anand Game 3. Notes by IM Malcolm Pein.
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3
Welcome to game 3 this is Malcolm Pein from the London Chess Centre
3...Nf6 4.Nc3
No Exchange Slav, this is main line and sharp offering the Meran Variation
4...e6 5.e3 Nbd7 6.Bd3
Kramnik is white (I'll try to remember that throughout :) ) and we have another Slav Defence but I suspect we will see something more aggressive than in game 1
This is all well analysed theory which is why the players are bashing out their moves at high speed It's a very unbalanced position. Black may be a pawn up but d4 or b5 usually fall and Black leaves his king in the middle A new move 14...Bb7 from Vishy ! now Vlad will have to think long and hard to work out what the idea is Black usually tries to hang on to b5 for longer with b5-b4 or Ba6 The obvious question arises now, why not 15.Bxb5
Kramnik has to take I guess otherwise Qe2 makes little sense
Black can continue Rg8, Ke7 and then maybe Ne5 trying to set up threats against g2. Black's king is pretty safe behind the pawn mass for the moment but at some point he has to break the pin on his knight White lacks an active square for the bishop on c1 it could go to d2 and then support the a pawn after a2-a4 and a4-a5 Incidentally the weather here is 15 degrees and sunny in London. Anand has used virtually no time so far- he is in his home analysis. The computer wants to play g3, typical Fritz, not many humans would play g3 unless they absolutely had to opening that diagonal with the black bishop on b7 and the queen in proximity to c6 is scary. A more human response to the threats along b7-g2 might be Bb5-d3 and then to e4 snuffing out the problem at the cost of freeing the knight on d7.
[16.Bd3 Ke7 17.Rd1 Rag8 18.Be4 is my suggestion to head for a safer position.]
Now g3 and even Rxd4 are possible obviously the latter is a little risky It's too late for Bd3, I reckon.
I suppose there is an upside to g3, at least it threatens Rxd4 Anand still blitzing em out, this defends d4. In fact we transpose to some previous games here but Anand's next move is new I believe
[17.Bd3 Ne5 18.Be4 d3 ouch Rxd4 is more than risky for example; Rxd4 was not good 17.Rxd4 Rxg2+ 18.Kxg2 Qxd4 and Black is on the rampage]
Defending d4
Great shot, if Bxf4 Rxd4
[It's clear Nd2 was not good, it felt wrong, completely denuding the king 18.Nd2 This is so double edged but Kramnik is up against Anand and his computer analysis from home I wonder.... 18...Ke7!! 19.Bxd7 (19.Qxg4 Qxb5 Looks very dangerous with Ne5 and Qd5 coming) 19...Rag8 When Black has the idea of sacrificing on g3 and playing d3+ winning the white queen - nasty ! Yes I think that's the dastardly plan 20.Bb5 d3 21.Qxd3 Rxg3+ 22.hxg3 Rxg3+ wins the queen as the f2 pawn is pinned. Black looks better in that line even if material is equal. White's king is exposed. This would explain why Kramnik is having a long think]
Vishy still playing fast, he's been here
What a sho t, Kramnik attacks the rook on g4 and sets up Nxe6 now I guess Rg6 or h5 because after Bxd7+ Kxd7 there is no killer discovered check but the more Kramnik fights, the more chance he has of missing a tactic seen by a computer pre-game
This should be at least as good as Rg6 the rook and h pawn are less exposed and the rook more active on g4. Kramnik has no choice now but to take the plunge
Playing it this way enables the queen to cover g3 but now I wonder about Rg7 after an exchange White takes on f4 remaining two pawns up but his king is very exposed
[22...Bc8 23.Rh7 Kg8 24.Re7! threat Qh7 is good for White 24...f5 25.Rd1]
23.Rxg7 Kxg7 24.gxf4 Rd8 25.Qe2 Kh6
This is the position I was considering, Black has Rg8+ in reserve but his king is not totally safe either, perhaps now f4-f5
[26.f5 Rg8+ 27.Kf1 Bg2+ 28.Ke1 Bc6 29.Qd2+ Kh7 30.Bxc6 Qxc6! 31.Ke2 forced 31...Qb5+ 32.Kf3 (32.Qd3 Qxb2+ 33.Kf3 Qxa1 34.fxe6+ Kh8) 32...Rg4 Deep Hiarcs tells me this wins for Black So we can conclude Kramnik has problems here]
26...Rg8 27.a4?
I guess time pressure had to be a factor by now but this is such a tightrope anyway. Even back on move 22 one could see that White's king was going to be in trouble and Anand is playing it beautifully Kramnik will be lucky to save this.
Az első 2 játszma döntetlen volt, de most sötéttel Anand nyert egy nem mindennapi partit. Itt olvasható angolul:
de ide copy-pastelem én is, hátha eltünik:
(N-huszár; B-futó; R-bástya; K-király; Q-vezér - angolul)
Kramnik - Anand Game 3. Notes by IM Malcolm Pein.
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3
Welcome to game 3 this is Malcolm Pein from the London Chess Centre
3...Nf6 4.Nc3
No Exchange Slav, this is main line and sharp offering the Meran Variation
4...e6 5.e3 Nbd7 6.Bd3
Kramnik is white (I'll try to remember that throughout :) ) and we have another Slav Defence but I suspect we will see something more aggressive than in game 1
The mainline Meran Variation, the sharpest line.
7.Bxc4 b5 8.Bd3 a6 9.e4 c5 10.e5 cxd4 11.Nxb5 axb5 12.exf6 gxf6 13.0-0 Qb6 14.Qe2 Bb7
This is all well analysed theory which is why the players are bashing out their moves at high speed It's a very unbalanced position. Black may be a pawn up but d4 or b5 usually fall and Black leaves his king in the middle A new move 14...Bb7 from Vishy ! now Vlad will have to think long and hard to work out what the idea is Black usually tries to hang on to b5 for longer with b5-b4 or Ba6 The obvious question arises now, why not 15.Bxb5
Kramnik has to take I guess otherwise Qe2 makes little sense
Black can continue Rg8, Ke7 and then maybe Ne5 trying to set up threats against g2. Black's king is pretty safe behind the pawn mass for the moment but at some point he has to break the pin on his knight White lacks an active square for the bishop on c1 it could go to d2 and then support the a pawn after a2-a4 and a4-a5 Incidentally the weather here is 15 degrees and sunny in London. Anand has used virtually no time so far- he is in his home analysis. The computer wants to play g3, typical Fritz, not many humans would play g3 unless they absolutely had to opening that diagonal with the black bishop on b7 and the queen in proximity to c6 is scary. A more human response to the threats along b7-g2 might be Bb5-d3 and then to e4 snuffing out the problem at the cost of freeing the knight on d7.
[16.Bd3 Ke7 17.Rd1 Rag8 18.Be4 is my suggestion to head for a safer position.]
Now g3 and even Rxd4 are possible obviously the latter is a little risky It's too late for Bd3, I reckon.
I suppose there is an upside to g3, at least it threatens Rxd4 Anand still blitzing em out, this defends d4. In fact we transpose to some previous games here but Anand's next move is new I believe
[17.Bd3 Ne5 18.Be4 d3 ouch Rxd4 is more than risky for example; Rxd4 was not good 17.Rxd4 Rxg2+ 18.Kxg2 Qxd4 and Black is on the rampage]
Defending d4
Great shot, if Bxf4 Rxd4
[It's clear Nd2 was not good, it felt wrong, completely denuding the king 18.Nd2 This is so double edged but Kramnik is up against Anand and his computer analysis from home I wonder.... 18...Ke7!! 19.Bxd7 (19.Qxg4 Qxb5 Looks very dangerous with Ne5 and Qd5 coming) 19...Rag8 When Black has the idea of sacrificing on g3 and playing d3+ winning the white queen - nasty ! Yes I think that's the dastardly plan 20.Bb5 d3 21.Qxd3 Rxg3+ 22.hxg3 Rxg3+ wins the queen as the f2 pawn is pinned. Black looks better in that line even if material is equal. White's king is exposed. This would explain why Kramnik is having a long think]
Vishy still playing fast, he's been here
What a sho t, Kramnik attacks the rook on g4 and sets up Nxe6 now I guess Rg6 or h5 because after Bxd7+ Kxd7 there is no killer discovered check but the more Kramnik fights, the more chance he has of missing a tactic seen by a computer pre-game
This should be at least as good as Rg6 the rook and h pawn are less exposed and the rook more active on g4. Kramnik has no choice now but to take the plunge
[19...Rg6 20.Nxe6 fxe6 21.Rxd7 Kf8 22.Rxh7 (22.Bd3 Be5 23.Bxg6 hxg6) 22...Bxg3 23.hxg3 Rxg3+ 24.Kf1 Rg5 attacking the bishop on b5 25.Rh2 (25.Bd3 Bg2+ 26.Ke1 Re5 wins) 25...Re5]
20.Nxe6 fxe6 21.Rxd7 Kf8 22.Qd3
Playing it this way enables the queen to cover g3 but now I wonder about Rg7 after an exchange White takes on f4 remaining two pawns up but his king is very exposed
[22...Bc8 23.Rh7 Kg8 24.Re7! threat Qh7 is good for White 24...f5 25.Rd1]
23.Rxg7 Kxg7 24.gxf4 Rd8 25.Qe2 Kh6
This is the position I was considering, Black has Rg8+ in reserve but his king is not totally safe either, perhaps now f4-f5
[26.f5 Rg8+ 27.Kf1 Bg2+ 28.Ke1 Bc6 29.Qd2+ Kh7 30.Bxc6 Qxc6! 31.Ke2 forced 31...Qb5+ 32.Kf3 (32.Qd3 Qxb2+ 33.Kf3 Qxa1 34.fxe6+ Kh8) 32...Rg4 Deep Hiarcs tells me this wins for Black So we can conclude Kramnik has problems here]
26...Rg8 27.a4?
I guess time pressure had to be a factor by now but this is such a tightrope anyway. Even back on move 22 one could see that White's king was going to be in trouble and Anand is playing it beautifully Kramnik will be lucky to save this.
[27.Rc1 Bg2+ 28.Ke1 Bh3 29.f5 Rg1+ 30.Kd2 Qd4+ 31.Bd3 Qxb2+ 32.Rc2 Qb4+ 33.Rc3 Bxf5 34.Bxf5 exf5=/+; 27.Rd1 Bg2+ 28.Ke1 Qa5+ 29.Rd2 Bh3]
27...Bg2+ 28.Ke1 Bh3!
nasty !
[28...Bc6 29.Kf1 Bg2+= 30.Ke1 Bh3!]
Desperate but
[29.Rd1 Bg4 30.Qe3 Qxe3+ 31.fxe3 Bxd1 32.Kxd1 Rg2 should be winning 33.b3 Rxh2 34.a5 Ra2 35.a6 h4; 29.Kd2 Rg2 30.Rf1 Rxh2!]
29...Rg1+ 30.Kd2 Qd4+ 31.Kc2
[31.Rd3 Qxb2+ 32.Ke3 Qa1 wins, Re1 follows]
31...Bg4 32.f3
[32.Rd3 Bf5]
[32...Bf5+ 33.Kb3 Rc1 with either Qd5+ or e5 and Be6 in reserve surely Vlad can't survive this 34.a5 Qd5+ (34...Rc2 35.Qxc2 Bxc2+ 36.Kxc2 Qc5+ 37.Kb1 Qxb5 38.a6 saves the game) 35.Bc4 Qb7+ 36.Bb5 Rc5 37.Kb4 Rc2 38.Qe3 Rxb2+ 39.Rb3 Qe7+-/+]
33.Bd3 Bh3
I don't believe it he's missed a mate. Pressure and time pressure combined - Still, Vishy's move is pretty strong but it's not mate
[33...Bxd3+ was curtains 34.Rxd3 (34.Qxd3 Rg2+) 34...Qc4+ 35.Kd2 Qc1#]
I see a little silhouetto of a swindle, scaramoosh scaramoosh lets promote the passed a pawn (It's a queen geddit ?)
34...Rg2 35.a6 Rxe2+ 36.Bxe2 Bf5+ 37.Kb3 Qe3+ 38.Ka2 Qxe2 39.a7 Qc4+
No swindle for Vlad, it's India who are singing we are the champions
40.Ka1 Qf1+ 41.Ka2 Bb1+
Wow that was close Vlad nearly escaped but nevertheless a great game by Vishy he takes the lead 2-1 !!
[41...Bb1+ 42.Kb3 Qxf3+ 43.Kb4 Be4 wins]