"Hi there,
Can you please remove my sir name off yourwebsite.
The photos you have I was told by the photographer and agency that they were to go only in a magazine and now they are all over the internet under my real name.
I have spent the last 4 years trying to get things down of me and now the only shoot I do in that time has now also gone all over the internet under my real name.
Obviously I dont expect you to take them down but please can you remove ay reference to Deeprose.
My parents are teachers and its just more stuff for them to be taunted about.
Many thanks
Jo Deeprose"
Első olvasásra meg is sajnálja az ember szegény Jot, akivel így elbánt a fotós na meg az internet, de aztán beüti a Google-ba nevét és mit talál: Jo Deeprose official site (a többezer másik találat mellett, ahol egyébként a TopClub sehol sincs...).
Akkor most mi van??!?