CouchSurfing - "kanapészörfölés", avagy ingyenszállás a nagyvilágban.
A "kanapéfoglaló közösség" 2003-as indulása óta már kb. 2 millió tagot számlál 237 országból. Noha a legvonzóbb tényező sokaknál az lehetne, hogy a nyaralást letudhatják ingyen szállással és minimális egyéb költségekkel, ám a legtöbben mégis a kapcsolatépítés, barátkozás, első kézből kapott kulturális élmények miatt regisztrálnak az oldalon és fogadnak vendégeket, vagy mennek maguk is látogatóba.
When you become a verified member, you also become a contributing member. CouchSurfing wouldn't be here today without the support of members like you, and you're why it will be here tomorrow. As a non-profit organization, we rely solely on donations to meet our expenses. That's why we're asking you to contribute a minimum of $21.60 USD. And, if you're able, we appreciate any extra contribution you'd like to make. There are many generous members who periodically send support our way, and we couldn't be more grateful for the chance to keep expanding and improving CouchSurfing.
How is the minimum donation decided?
The minimum donation is set to be reasonably low, but also enough to help out. It's important to us that the verification donation process is fair. That's why the minimum donation is different for every country, based on an economic sliding scale. We do also take individual circumstances into account, so we have a scholarship rate available for those who are in truly difficult economic situations.
How do you check my identity?
Simple! When you make your donation, we'll be able to confirm that your CS account is associated with a valid financial institution, and that you've registered the same identity there as with us. Once you've completed this step, you'll notice a change in the bar on the top of your profile. Anyone who visits your page will now see that you've had your identity checked."