Slavisa Pajkic, a szerb "Elem Ember" jól bírja az áramot. Néha feltölti magát elektromossággal, ilyenkor kigyullad a szájába helyezett az izzó, de a neoncsőhöz is elég csak hozzáérnie, hogy világítson.
Ez hülyeség, hogy semmi köze hozzá, mennyire izzad.
"His body has a unique skin disease (no sweat glands, no hair), hence the resistance of his skin is unusally high. Think of him as a huge electrical resistor R1 in parallel to a low resistive other load R2 - the current will flow through the low R2 load. This defect protects him against dangerous electrical currents THROUGH his body (just 50mA AC will cause your heart to fail)."
"His body has a unique skin disease (no sweat glands, no hair), hence the resistance of his skin is unusally high. Think of him as a huge electrical resistor R1 in parallel to a low resistive other load R2 - the current will flow through the low R2 load. This defect protects him against dangerous electrical currents THROUGH his body (just 50mA AC will cause your heart to fail)."