tehát nem érted a feladatot ez azt mutatja. Ezt hiába ragozod akárhogy nem a kérdéssel van a gond.
"No, it is not meaningful. 25% is correct iff 50% is correct, and 50% is correct iff 25% is correct, so it can be neither of those two (because if both are correct, the only correct answer could be 75% which is not even an option). But it cannot be 0% either, because then the correct answer would be 25%. So none of the answers are correct, so the answer must be 0%. But then it is 25%. And so forth.
It's a multiple-choice variant (with bells and whistles) of the classical liar paradox, which asks whether the statement
This statement is false.
is true or false. There are various more or less contrived "philosophical" attempts to resolve it, but by far the most common resolution is to deny that the statement means anything in the first place; therefore it is also meaningless to ask for its truth value."
A válasz, és lehet gondolkozni miért. Valsz nem azért mert félreértelmezte a kérdést. Belinkeltem mert látom nehéz a linkek közt eligazodni.
"No, it is not meaningful. 25% is correct iff 50% is correct, and 50% is correct iff 25% is correct, so it can be neither of those two (because if both are correct, the only correct answer could be 75% which is not even an option). But it cannot be 0% either, because then the correct answer would be 25%. So none of the answers are correct, so the answer must be 0%. But then it is 25%. And so forth.
It's a multiple-choice variant (with bells and whistles) of the classical liar paradox, which asks whether the statement
This statement is false.
is true or false. There are various more or less contrived "philosophical" attempts to resolve it, but by far the most common resolution is to deny that the statement means anything in the first place; therefore it is also meaningless to ask for its truth value."
A válasz, és lehet gondolkozni miért. Valsz nem azért mert félreértelmezte a kérdést. Belinkeltem mert látom nehéz a linkek közt eligazodni.