Qbo RoBot - a teljesen nyílt forrásokon alapuló robot arc, és tárgyfelismerést végez.
Azért remélem inkább ez a verzió fog megvalósulni (ez meg mi, bünti? b.). Aki még nemlátta annak érdemes megnéznie a Ghost in the Shell animét. Ezt a témát boncolgatja, de nem a nyugati félelem, hanem a japán, ázsiai szemszögből, ami nem annyira borús.
"the thing is that this is a children's song so it was originally very happy. The fact that they're singing it when theyre about to 'die' is what makes it so sad. Its like a political prisoner singing the national anthem when facing a firing squad."
"the thing is that this is a children's song so it was originally very happy. The fact that they're singing it when theyre about to 'die' is what makes it so sad. Its like a political prisoner singing the national anthem when facing a firing squad."
A tachikoma-khoz visszatérve.