"--Dolphin sex can be violent and coercive. Gangs of two or three male bottlenose dolphins isolate a single female from the pod and forcibly mate with her, sometimes for weeks at a time. ... Horny dolphins have also been known to target human swimmers" - slate.com
"WEYMOUTH, England -- Swimmers are being warned to stay away from a "sexually aggressive" dolphin that has made its home at a popular tourist resort on the English south coast." - archives.cnn.com
A többit megtalálod, ha veszed a fáradtságot hogy google-be beírod az idevágó címszavakat.
"WEYMOUTH, England -- Swimmers are being warned to stay away from a "sexually aggressive" dolphin that has made its home at a popular tourist resort on the English south coast." - archives.cnn.com
A többit megtalálod, ha veszed a fáradtságot hogy google-be beírod az idevágó címszavakat.