"David Ed 10 months ago
A fine testimony to the last impressions on life by a tender, juicy piece of poultry before being consigned to a delicious Colonel burger. But really, if chickens really were this cute and fascinating to watch, I'd be filling up my back yard with 'em..."
A fine testimony to the last impressions on life by a tender, juicy piece of poultry before being consigned to a delicious Colonel burger. But really, if chickens really were this cute and fascinating to watch, I'd be filling up my back yard with 'em..."
you sick bastard :-DD
ezért ezen a
horogkereszten még dolgozni kell
a világ egyetlen csirkéje ami akkor is össze tudja vérezni a színpadot
miközben össze-vissza rohangál
ha nem vágják le a fejét ;-D