Egyes szakemberek szerint a boldog házasság titka az, ha néha másokkal is lefekszünk. Kutatások kimutatták, hogy a házastársától a legtöbb ember egyre inkább azt kívánja, hogy egyben a legjobb barátja, a tanácsadója, sőt lelki gondozója is legyen, ám eközben egyre kevesebb időt töltenek egymással, aminek következtében a mai házasságok többsége rosszabb, mint valaha.
+ bonus cikk a témában: Ha már félrelépsz, legalább csináld jól
...The eraliest reported cases of MPD tended to be dual personalities, with the occasional exceptional of a pationt having three or four alters. But according to several recent surveys (Bliss, 1980; Coons, Bowman, and Milstein, 1988; Kluft, 1884a, 1988b; Putnam, et al., 1986, Schultz, Braun, and Kluft, 1989), the average number of personalities in cases of MPD ranges (roughly) from six to sixteen.
Some cases reportedly exhibit well over on hundred alters. Kluft (1988b) so far hold the record for the highest number of reported alters: more than 4,500. Many of these are perhaps netter described as personality fragments, since their functions tend to be highly circumscribed and because they do not exhibit the more extensive range of traits and dispositions found in more personality-like alters.
Ross (1989) prudently notes that in these caes of 'polyfragmented' MPD 'the [splitting] process may not be the same as the formations of alters' (p.81). He suggests, somewhat more contentiously, that the creation of mere fragments may not ecen be a dissociative phenomenon. Instead, he proposes that the person may merely label different memories with distinct names.
Stephen E. Braude - Multiple Personality and the Philosophy of Mind