Mclusky - Lightsabre cocksucking blues

Alternatív punkzenekar Walesből, sajnos már feloszlottak.




Eat what you are while you're falling apart
And it opened a can of worms
And the gun's in my hand and I know it looks bad
But believe me I'm innocent
And i'm fearful I'm fearful I'm fearful of flying
And flying is fearful of me
And i covered my eyes when she told me the news
Turning me on with my lightsabre cocksucking blues
Are you coming?
Nicotine stained on account of her crutch
And I'm aching from fucking too much
And i know what I do but it all points to you
Did you sell me to wanderlust?
I'm fearful I'm fearful I'm fearful of flying
And flying is fearful of me
And i covered my eyes when she told me the news
Turning me on with my lightsabre cocksucking blues
Are you coming?
573 0 0 Zene Izé
Sörözés méhekkel...

"Just hanging out, having a beer, covered in bees." :D
2351 3 10 Izé
Tóth József: Ez egy mazochista állat! Úgy hallottam, az albán sör nagyon sz@r... :)))
Ales: No..itt sem a szomszéd a hülye!
noldika: van ver a pucajaba...:D
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Finom lehet. ;)
2827 1 21 Izé
buldozer: 11,25dkg sac/kb 680 ft.ha talalok,megkostolom. : )A magyar konyha nem rossz,plane aki azon nott fel. [...]
Purple: te meg a kínaiba :D fúj...
Laci: Én spec. a fokhagymáspiritóst szeretem a legjobban. Két okból is: 1) finom 2) másnap kényelme [...]
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